Friday, January 15, 2010

Great Commentary from a Forum

robert bentley:

His rank has already been disproved - as have his fights - using basic, straightforward simple logic.

He is a proven liar and a fraud - the man is a money grubbing scumbag who has pissed a lot of people off. Because of his HISTORY of lying and dodgy business practices I would be willing to bet those guys you mention willing to "vouch" for him in reality wouldn't.

Just because I'm in a generous mood I'll explain it again for your little brain (I also find it interesting there are all these guys who just so happened to join AFTER the Assou thread start date to defend him - Who are you? XCIL? Assou? How many guys are under the same screen name here?)

1) If his lineage IS legit - he would be able to prove it very very simply. He has not - because he cannot. Therefore he is a FAKE and a FRAUD.

Did you know that I'm a 9th degree black belt from the most respected BJJ academy in the world. You don't believe me? Well prove it buddy! (are you so stupid as to not actually understand the point here?)

2) 400+ fights in his relatively short martial arts career would be incredibly difficult -- just on the realms of possibility. However - he has miraculously been out on injury for a while, no competition record of his exists, he's not listed anywhere AND there is no evidence whatsoever of ANY of his fights.

Therefore - he is a FAKE and a FRAUD.

It really is as simple as that.

Just actually THINK about what you're saying.

It isn't up to US to disprove ridiculous or outrageous claims, it is up to HIM to prove them. (repeat that phrase 500 times until it sinks in pretty please)

The great thing about THESE kinds of claims is that it is SO EASY to VERIFY the LEGITIMATE claims. If you CANNOT VERIFY the claim - the claim can be categorically declared as FALSE.

6th Degree black belt????? How many do you actually think there are on planet earth???

400 fights?? Do you even understand basic math?

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